Make your life the best one you can ever imagine. Close your eyes and dream it. There is no fear. There is just the illusion of what the future holds and it’s up to us to take that step to co-create what is deep in our hearts. We can manifest any reality we desire. TRUST Yourself. LET GO of everything. BELIEVE in your power….. and always…. LOVE. #AreYouLivingYourLifeYet
With love & gratefulness & thankfulness, Erinn Weatherbie and I would like to say to each and every one of you, “Thank you for coming into our lives”. We are this simple mom and daughter team with a dream and a passion to live life differently. We don’t know how to do it any other way. Conventional food, conventional thoughts and a conventional life is not how we do it and we love living on this edge of pushing our lives into something most of us have not ever been a part of. We’re radical. We were told by many that what we believe in and what we created will never work and some thought we were crazy because we dared to be different. Yet here we are in Downtown Burlington, Ontario (not a big metropolis by any means), and we are now the most celebrated bake shoppe in Canada…
Yup, it is really, “Happy Superhero Day!” There is more to being a “mom” than meets the eye and there is a reason I feel not quite right about this day because I feel that not all women feel included. That isn’t me just to accept the status quo and go along with this hallmark day and day to spurn on the economic engine. I believe today is a day to celebrate all women, every single one of us, as we are inherent builders of the love that we all bathe in every day. There are adopted moms, step moms, grandmoms, big sisters (and little sisters), aunties and best friend’s moms and teachers too. There are matriarchal elders in villages and female presidents and yoginis and so many more roles that have been bestowed upon us and each role is magnificent and significant. We, as women, infuse them all with greatness. It…
A thought from me: “I have everything in me I need. The only thing ever holding me back is me, my fears and my perception of my reality. It’s pretty simple actually. The practice daily is to trust that the path I am on is fully supported. I am exactly where I need to be right now, here, in this very moment. Life is this incredible journey and there is no ultimate destination. Happiness? It’s in this moment and I get to decide if I choose joy and happiness or fear (and miss all the fun). Xo” This was a powerful message I wrote over my Social Media channels yesterday and wanted to share today on my website. Feel free to re-write it in your own journal, as some of you have already as reminders are so important in our life so we can focus on the good stuff and…
The strength of a man and the concept that he may not be as strong as he believes he possibly is may not be easy for a man to admit to. For a woman, we dream of the idea that a man would surrender to us and be the wind beneath our wings and stay as our strength and applaud our milestones… For a man to simply embrace our power and watch us ignite our essence…The light, the power and the inspiration of the eternally nurturing and loving and open feminine spirit to sprinkle love and light into ‘life’. Our planet. The brave man knows his power in this. The strength of a man is in his surrendering of his ‘masculine’ power into HER essence.
I’m a big advocate of trying to slow down the pace of life, simplifying our lives, being less busy in our moments… but what if you can’t? (I’m a big talker believe me, my life is nothing short of full-out craziness running two VERY BUSY businesses). What if your life can’t be made less busy — are you doomed to a life of anxiety and unhappiness? Sometimes I feel this way with having Kelly’s Bake Shoppe and LettuceLove Cafe in my life and now, a book that is due, a new website, blog posts, recipe creation, Thanksgiving and Christmas is coming!!! OMG, it is sometimes overwhelming with no space to breathe. I’m going to share with you a very simple tool that might just transform your life. It’s something I’ve been trying in the last couple of months, and I can attest that it works brilliantly when practiced. This one little method will…
It’s important for us to remember that only thing we have any control over in life is our inner world. In other words that means our thoughts, our emotions, our feelings, where we choose to focus our time and attention, even the meaning or the interpretation we give to things and how we choose to respond to outside circumstances. If your thoughts or emotions right now are focused on feeling “behind” or “overwhelmed” or “not good enough” for any reason, you can stop that right now. Listen to me. You CAN stop that right now. YOU have the power to chose what you’ll focus on, what actions you’ll take and what thoughts you’ll empower, believe in and ultimately, make real. The choice is yours if you will let the sense of overwhelm ‘take you out at the knees’ or empower you to go those three steps further and move you…
Life hits you sometimes clear between the eyes to let you know that something is amiss. Maybe you don’t feel well, your stomach feels full and yet, you haven’t eaten, you have some strange aches and pains, people make you agitated, and your thoughts may have become muddled. You don’t feel aligned with the planet or people and feel on the outside of the world. You are dying to hear or see a wake-up call and all along it is tapping its lovely little finger patiently waiting for you to notice. BOOM. It hits. (The wake-up call comes….) I hear this every day. Someone emails me, comments on my blog, calls me or stops me the street. “I can’t believe this is happening to me…” “I can’t believe my husband was diagnosed with this…” “Can you believe it? She was told she has cancer? I can’t believe it!!” Well here’s…
Over the past few years, Astaxanthin has earned a fantastic reputation as one of the most potent and powerful nutritional supplements ever made. In a nutshell, Astaxanthin is a fat-soluble antioxidant with neuroprotective support. It may help with a multitude of functions such as: Reduce inflammation in joints and tissues Support muscle recovery and stamina Protect the body from cellular damage associated with highly oxidative foods Help protect the eyes from UV damage and to reverse the damage. Help the skin resist UV damage from excessive sunlight exposure. Help the proliferation of breast cancer tumour cells Astaxanthin has been shown to improve “working memory”and may even contribute to the prevention of Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Known to counteract the free radicals resulting from high glucose levels in Diabetics. It also may prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy (damage to or disease of the kidney). Free Radicals can damage DNA Cells and…
How to Find YOUR Happiness What I learned is that I already had all I needed for happiness, but it was buried beneath my insecurities, my discontent with my life, my loathing of my body and myself. I already had it, but it was all covered up. What I’ve discovered is it’s all fantasy…..and we all do it: we fantasize all the time about the ideal partner, the ideal father or mother, the ideal child, the ideal job, home, car, computer, clothes, travel, furniture, TV and of course, body. If we have these ideal things, this perfect fantasy, we’ll be happy right? Well no. Because first, the fantasy can’t ever come true. We can believe all we want that we’re making it come true, but the reality will never match up with the fantasy. That can lead to perpetual disappointment. You can strive for happiness in external things all you…