The UN’s theme for this year’s International Women’s Day 2014 is “Inspiring Change” Equality for Women is a Progress For All. Being the co-owner of Kelly’s Bake Shoppe and Lettuce Love Café, with my daughter Erinn has been an eye-opening experience for the two of us as women, to be able to open and run successfully BUSY businesses. It has not always been easy and it absolutely has had its ‘chauvinistic moments’ for example, when trying to establish ourselves with financial resources at the bank (“Are you going to have your husband sign with you?” What?!? Do most men need their wife to sign their bank loans?) or day-to-day activities with suppliers that ask if there is a man to speak to, to business meetings with lawyers and accountants that direct their conversations towards the men in the room (Hello! I’m sitting here too!). It has never been a dull…
The Universe always works in a dynamic exchange with your body, mind, and environment. In nature, giving and receiving different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe are what permit the continual bounty we enjoy and is what we call life. As Buddha shared, “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” Just like the candle, when we share our happiness, it doesn’t mean we lose any of our own personal happiness. By sharing, I actually find my happiness and joy grows. ….As I look back on 2012 and reflect on my life, there’s a huge wave of a blur that goes through my mind at 150mph. Life has been crazy for me (and my family). Besides renovating and opening a new business called Kelly’s Bake Shoppe and restructuring and…