
best autumn recipes


This is my super simple Winter Squash salad that really is such a decadent entree for dinner or you can keep it as your starter. Trust me, this will impress the fussiest of guests and you won’t believe how really simple it is. I like to use Butternut Squash for it’s flavour and texture, but of course you could use your favourite squash like Kabocha squash, Buttercup squash or even pumpkin. The key to this salad tasting great is to get the ‘roasted flavour’ to permeate through the salad and you get it from roasting the squash and the optional red onions, and toasting pumpkin seeds and walnuts. I always roast more squash than I need because I use it for many things like smoothies, soups, sides, blended in Alfredo sauces,….the list is endless. Winter Squash Salad – for two 1 medium size organic butternut squash, buttercup squash or…

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