


LOVE Is All There Is It’s all about love. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. The path that humanity is on right now is to bear witness to the emerging love consciousness that is within all of us. May we all find space within our hearts today, to treasure and revere all that is within our brothers and sisters. We all have goodness. We all have greatness. We all have a deep need to be loved and connected to our tribes. From the moment we opened our doors back in 2012, we knew we were not opening Kelly’s Bake Shoppe to just sell cupcakes. No. We opened our doors to be beholden to a greater force than our planet was willing to acknowledge. A deep truth that we all are one. A truth that our greatest joy comes from loving others and connecting on a level of love and we…

There is a difference when we give up our need to be UNDERSTOOD and instead, choose to UNDERSTAND. Sit with this for a moment. Can you feel the shift? To have the need to be understood means we need the validation from someone else to give us the okay….that we are okay and ‘understood’. If we don’t get the validation, we can feel empty, conflicted, shamed, hurt, resentful. Imagine for a moment that you give up the need to be understood for just this one time and instead, shift your mind to seeking to UNDERSTAND another human or situation. Give them the gift of YOU listening and feeling and your compassion and to try your very best to understand THEM. Whoa! That feels so good. I mean, what are you trying to accomplish by pushing to be understood anyway? What are you missing from your heart that you need to…

Are YOU ready to break out of your comfort zone?⁠ YESSSS!!! We all have layers of protection around us that we’ve built up over the years. The layers could include a job we’re not passionate about but maybe it pays well so we sacrifice living our life. Maybe it’s a relationship that feels out of alignment with us and we’re afraid to leave. Perhaps it’s even a personality trait we’ve been cycling into our life that no longer fits us. These layers of physical and emotional protection keep us safe (or so we believe), but they also keep us small and frozen in time….We stop growing.⁠⠀ When we build up these layers of protection, we put ourselves in a armour-covered box. When we start breaking through those layers of protection, it can be very uncomfortable or even bloody painful.⁠I voluntarily jolted myself with Ayahuasca, Quantum retreats, daily tough coaching, therapy…

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