
How to find happiness


Dear Haters, Trolls and Darkness. *Now that I got your attention* ❤️ I recognize and see all of you your with loving, pink hearts inside your beautiful cavernous chests. I see you all trying to be the positive role models and radiate kindness wherever you go. I don’t know about you all but are you not compelled to say something about the rise in the negative, hateful, stomach-turning, fake and deliberately anonymous emails and comments that come un-welcomed into our inbox and social media feeds? I am seeing a noticeable increase in it every week. The hate. The judgement. The absolute harshness. The sheer nonsense that these humans think they might know what’s best for us and our lives and we consequently, turn into their dartboards. 🙏 (watch this video…) Judgement is a killer my friends. When you troll and nasty stuff comes out of your mouth, you are judging and making assumptions…

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