My thought for the day (to work toward living an authentic life): About 7 years ago in California, we met a very wise, older woman that shared some brilliant words with us…words that have stuck with us until this very day and will continue to do so. They have kept us in a loving, grateful ‘present’ outlook within our life together. My incredibly patient and loving husband has had to endure some difficult, horrific family situations for the past 20+ years from his previous life. I’ve done my absolute best to be the rock he needed, in the most difficult of times. He needed to hear, back then, that he was on the right path to becoming his authentic self. With a lovely, wise smile, she lifted her head and she said most stoically, “Family is not necessarily one made of blood”. WOW! That was all we could say after these…
The UN’s theme for this year’s International Women’s Day 2014 is “Inspiring Change” Equality for Women is a Progress For All. Being the co-owner of Kelly’s Bake Shoppe and Lettuce Love Café, with my daughter Erinn has been an eye-opening experience for the two of us as women, to be able to open and run successfully BUSY businesses. It has not always been easy and it absolutely has had its ‘chauvinistic moments’ for example, when trying to establish ourselves with financial resources at the bank (“Are you going to have your husband sign with you?” What?!? Do most men need their wife to sign their bank loans?) or day-to-day activities with suppliers that ask if there is a man to speak to, to business meetings with lawyers and accountants that direct their conversations towards the men in the room (Hello! I’m sitting here too!). It has never been a dull…
What an awesome video!! This is our latest work on healthy Gluten-Free Living. Filmed at Kelly’s Bake Shoppe, we shed light on some quick and easy tips on how relatively simple it is to go Gluten-Free. Gluten is found hidden in so many things like salad dressings and condiments like ketchup so beware of the many ways it can hurt your digestion without you even knowing you are eating it. It’s so important to read the labels of everything you purchase when grocery shopping, just to ensure you’re eating exactly what you think you are. Erinn and I are pretty diligent when it comes to grocery shopping always staying in the produce department and very rarely walking up and down grocery store aisles. These aisles are where primarily the processed foods are and these foods we should be staying away from the majority of the time (you got it- not…
The biggest reason people fail at creating and sticking to new habits is that they don’t keep doing it. (Well, that makes obvious sense doesn’t it?) For 2014, I think this is a year to really change things up and shake things up. We NEED to create some new soul-serving habits and discard all old habits don’t serve our greater good. For most, the hardest thing to do is to keep these New Year resolutions and goals and hopefully new habits that serve us well. It’s difficult for the majority of us to stick to a new regimen and develop new routines that allow us to improve our lives. I’ve got some ideas that might just help you create a new blueprint of YOU. One that incorporates some healthy, inspiring ideas into our daily lives and routines and will only IMPROVE what we get back from our life. Honestly, this…
The more I realize how the state of gratefulness benefits my joy and happiness, the more I try to practice it every moment of the day. It aligns me instantly with my deepest passions. This past year has been such an incredible year for me and my family and extended our family (our wonderful staff!!) at Kelly’s Bake Shoppe and Lettuce Love Cafe. Thank you to all of our customers and friends who have been there for us through it all. We’re on a path to change the world, one cupcake and green smoothie at a time, and to encourage deep healing and a re-connection with Mother Earth through delicious whole foods and to get everyone ‘back into the kitchen’ and say “NO” to industrialized junk food. Our staff continue to dazzle me every day and this post is about how grateful I am for them. Thank you to EVERY…
Thank you Julie for choosing to feature us on your blog today for “Thankful Thursday”. What a concept that you created by putting people in that state of mind of gratefulness every day of the week and experience more joy – by subscribing to your website. Erinn and I are so grateful for what we do and every day is an absolute blessing to be able to “BE” exactly where we are, together and building this delicious and healthy ‘cupcake empire’. It is so incredible to be able to share this passion with people like you, Julie. We wanted to return this loving gesture you did for for us and we have featured YOUR hard work today. Your weekly diligence and creativity of creating a more loving planet through gratefulness (and also, putting together this very sweet video of Erinn and me). In this video (above), we were able to voice how…
YOU all spoke and WE listened! <3 There isn’t anything that would make us happier than being able to give back to our lovely followers, fans, customers and friends. What do people REALLY want from us? How can we help YOU achieve what is most important to you? What is the greatest gift we can give to others? The gift of our time and ourselves. By giving as much information and tools to make the changes you want so deeply, so that you can make a difference in your life. What does everyone ask about the most? Well, here’s a small sample… “What do YOU eat?” “Daily?” “Weekly?” “Holidays?” “What do you do for your skin?” “Hair?” “How do you and Erinn get along so well?” “How do I get rid of dairy in my life?” “What is a GREEN Smoothie?” “How do I get it really smooth?” “My husband…
It’s important for us to remember that only thing we have any control over in life is our inner world. In other words that means our thoughts, our emotions, our feelings, where we choose to focus our time and attention, even the meaning or the interpretation we give to things and how we choose to respond to outside circumstances. If your thoughts or emotions right now are focused on feeling “behind” or “overwhelmed” or “not good enough” for any reason, you can stop that right now. Listen to me. You CAN stop that right now. YOU have the power to chose what you’ll focus on, what actions you’ll take and what thoughts you’ll empower, believe in and ultimately, make real. The choice is yours if you will let the sense of overwhelm ‘take you out at the knees’ or empower you to go those three steps further and move you…
Today, I’m going to share a really simple secret that can make your day instantly better. If you’re feeling down, it can make you happier, all day long. It’s something I’ve been trying myself, with great results. It’s three steps, and anyone can do them. This is a repetive procedure repeated over and over, all day long. It starts with a basic assumption: that we are all human beings capable of goodness, love, of pain, of broken hearts and passionate love. That we all have bad days, and good days and it’s the bad days especially when we need to reach out. It is based on my observation that we take other people for granted, and that we have come to judge others and become irritated with them for almost no good reason, and we expect everyone to make us happy or at least behave the way we want them…
How to Find YOUR Happiness What I learned is that I already had all I needed for happiness, but it was buried beneath my insecurities, my discontent with my life, my loathing of my body and myself. I already had it, but it was all covered up. What I’ve discovered is it’s all fantasy…..and we all do it: we fantasize all the time about the ideal partner, the ideal father or mother, the ideal child, the ideal job, home, car, computer, clothes, travel, furniture, TV and of course, body. If we have these ideal things, this perfect fantasy, we’ll be happy right? Well no. Because first, the fantasy can’t ever come true. We can believe all we want that we’re making it come true, but the reality will never match up with the fantasy. That can lead to perpetual disappointment. You can strive for happiness in external things all you…