Newsletter Release from Kelly’s Bake Shoppe: What can we say? Burlington is saddened. We are still in shock. Our hearts are broken. Burlington and the world just lost an exceptional guy. Words escape us to pay the greatest respect to this man, Mike “Beard Guy” Taylor, of Walk Off The Earth. Be sure to bundle up! His TRIBUTE CONCERT is Sunday, January 13, from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. Everyone is invited! It’s happening in Civic Square, Downtown Burlington. (With Walk Off The Earth, and members of bands: Barenaked Ladies, Monster Truck, Scott Helman, USS, Darenots, and Saint Alvia) Mike Taylor passed away in his sleep, on December 30th. A day before Walk Off The Earth’s World Tour kick off date, of December 31st, that was scheduled to happen in Niagara Falls. Besides Mike Taylor being a regular at Kelly’s Bake Shoppe and Lettuce Love Cafe, he was a prominent soul in our downtown Burlington core, in the city of Burlington (raised in Burlington), and not to mention, in all…