I am so blessed with my life. Every day I get to wake up and share my passion of health with people who are able to come into Kelly’s Bake Shoppe and for those of you that connect with my personal website and blog.

For those of you who have had the opportunity to come into our two businesses, thank you for gracing us with your patronage and your support. My hope is that our infectious love for GOOD FOOD will spill out to the planet and into each and every one of your hearts and homes. We can all make a difference to someone else’s life and to “reach out and love” is in us inherently. Each one of us has that duty and obligation with every gift we have been individually given to share it. My enthusiasm and love for what I do every day (to help people find their path to optimal health and ultimately find the passion for their lives) for this beautiful planet and its inhabitants is my duty. I love being able to show people that we all have choices with what we eat and how we live every day. You CAN look after yourself now and enjoy a wonderful old age that is free from pain and disease and an unhappy life.

Take a moment to read the significance of this poster below:
(if you can read it you are more fortunate than 3 billion other people that cannot)
Inspirational image


That is my goal for everyone. We only have one body, one life and one planet. Let’s appreciate what we DO have and always view our glass half full. It’s really never empty….Let’s get excited for our TODAYS and not worry about tomorrow and yesterday. We get to LIVE NOW!

To be grateful and to really accept our gifts is the biggest thing we can do for ourselves.

Why not take some time this upcoming week (Thanksgiving in Canada) to really deeply accept who we are and to love what we do and to be so eternally grateful for everyone in our lives and even where we live too. We are in the “abundant minority” (isn’t that a twist ? We are the rich minority compared to the billions of others) on this beautiful planet and we are all connected to every tear, every smile, every heartache, every hunger pain, every joy and every sorrow that ever emerges from EVERY soul that has ever lived…

I’d love to hear what you are thankful for. Please share with us below.

Are you living your life yet?

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Kelly is the co-founder and co-owner (with her daughter Erinn) of the ever popular, Kelly's Bake Shoppe, where 1000's flock to on a weekly basis. She lives in Grey County with her two cats Daisy & Tuna. You can find Kelly developing and creating marketing content and building new business ideas with her daughter Erinn. They have the ever popular podcast: Cupcakes and Consciousness on Apple and Spotify. Tune into their latest shows. Kelly & Erinn are now writing their 2nd cookbook that is due to come out in winter 2023.

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