Dissolving this sense of “a ME” is going to feel really uncomfortable. It can sometimes feel like you’re being squeezed through something like an hourglass and it’s almost like there’s this pressure that feels overwhelming and painful and uncomfortable beyond words. But it’s also so beautifully necessary if we want a different reality. If we
LOVE Is All There Is It’s all about love. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. The path that humanity is on right now is to bear witness to the emerging love consciousness that is within all of us. May we all find space within our hearts today, to treasure and revere all that is within
Part 1 Video – Immune Boosting Tips Part 2 Video – How to Make a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Thank you to Medical Medium for all of this information. As I said in the video below, I have never felt better in my life and the last 6 months I have been so diligent with 16
Part 2 Video – Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Recipe. Part 3 Video – What Foods to NOT Eat There are 3 parts to this immune boosting series. Part 1 video is below. I talk about my bout with a chronic virus that took over my body for over 2 years. This is the time for us to prime our body, mind and soul
There is a difference when we give up our need to be UNDERSTOOD and instead, choose to UNDERSTAND. Sit with this for a moment. Can you feel the shift? To have the need to be understood means we need the validation from someone else to give us the okay….that we are okay and ‘understood’. If
This is the one that Kelly inspires us to STEP up into our AWARENESS of our emotions in the present moment. How do we move from our past and move into our future? Awareness into our inner relationship with ourselves. – What is being mirrored to us from our relationships around us? – What do
Are YOU ready to break out of your comfort zone? YESSSS!!! We all have layers of protection around us that we’ve built up over the years. The layers could include a job we’re not passionate about but maybe it pays well so we sacrifice living our life. Maybe it’s a relationship that feels out of
Pay attention to the fear and doubt that run rampant in your body and mind – but don’t let them RUN your life. Having fear and doubt race through your mind with emotions can be honestly, stressful and debilitating – but sit with this: IT IS NATURAL. In fact, it is a GOOD THING! It
Life lately has been moving at lightning speed and it’s easy to lose ourselves in the process of the flow with epic energy. MORE opportunities often mean MORE things to do and more people that want your attention. You can be pulled in a million directions at once. Trying to balance work, relationships, personal growth,