Part 1 VIDEO – Immune Boosting Tips Part 3 VIDEO – What Foods to Not Eat (what foods feed a virus) How to make the smoothie in is in the video below: This recipe is from Medical Medium – This smoothie is my midday meal. By also starting my day with 16 ounces of fresh celery juice every single morning – this has healed me from a chronic viral overload I have had for almost 2 years. Yes….. TWO years! Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Recipe (from Medical Medium): 1 cup spring water (or more) 2 cups wild blueberries 2 bananas 1 cup fresh cilantro I orange, peeled 1 teaspoon barley juice powder 1 teaspoon Hawaiian spirulina 1 tablespoon dulse (dried seaweed) Blend on high until smooth. ♥️ It is so important to keep our liver clean from heavy metals we accumulate over the years and decades. Pollution, food, water, cleaning supplies are all laced with…
I’M CRAVING CHOCOLATE! YES! Now that I am in self-isolation…I’m trying to keep myself nourished and keeping my immune system tuned up. This smoothie…
This is one of our favorite go-to smoothies. It’s loaded with vitamins and minerals. Substituting coconut water for regular water gives this — and…
Also known as the “Bunny Smoothie” back in our Kindfood days. We always make our own fresh carrot and ginger juice – it’s so…
PUMPKIN Anyone? LOL!! This is my favourite food. It is a ‘food group’ all on its own. I made this smoothie for breakfast yesterday morning…
This is my daily addiction right now, Chocolate Hemp Milk. I find I kind of go in spurts with what my body craves…
Merry Christmas Morning! I hope Santa was very good to all of you. For me, I’m happy to just have the indulgence to stay in bed…
Need a quick lunch (or breakfast too)? Too busy to find the time to make a sit-down meal? The perfect lunch can be a…
This is a guilt-free treat you will love, I promise. A delicious treat for Valentine’s Day for the kids and the other ‘big kids’…