
Smoothie Recipes


Part 1 VIDEO – Immune Boosting Tips Part 3 VIDEO – What Foods to Not Eat (what foods feed a virus) How to make the smoothie in is in the video below: This recipe is from Medical Medium – This smoothie is my midday meal. By also starting my day with 16 ounces of fresh celery juice every single morning – this has healed me from a chronic viral overload I have had for almost 2 years. Yes….. TWO years! Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Recipe (from Medical Medium): 1 cup spring water (or more) 2 cups wild blueberries 2 bananas  1 cup fresh cilantro  I orange, peeled  1 teaspoon barley juice powder 1 teaspoon Hawaiian spirulina  1 tablespoon dulse (dried seaweed)  Blend on high until smooth. ♥️ It is so important to keep our liver clean from heavy metals we accumulate over the years and decades. Pollution, food, water, cleaning supplies are all laced with…

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