It’s another New Year’s Eve upon us and by all sentimental rights, it is the time to re-evaluate our paths that we are currently following and create new mantras and resolutions to lead us into a life worth living. Right? Say, “Yes”!
Its time to give up on the old and useless repeatedly crappy patterns we have embedded in our core and release them and welcome some beautiful, yet scary, exhilarating new stuff into our hearts and souls.
Are you up for it? Are you up to summon all that you are and all that you can be and embark on a life worth living? Are you ready to create a YEAR that is lived on purpose, with direction and clarity so that you can achieve anything you need to so you can find joy?
2017 was my first year to try this out and name my year and make it epic. It was my reason for all that I did for 2017. I called 2017 “My Year to Heal” (and let go) and it is the year that goes down in the books for me to finally be able to be free and not be encumbered by the legal issues (from Ken’s previous marriage) that took over my life from 2009 until April 2017 (On April 1, 2017 I was finally granted my ‘freedom’ and I have been celebrating ever since).
This was so difficult for Ken and myself as newlyweds in 2008. When I married Ken in that year, I became part of an outrageous and incomprehensible legal attack from his ex-wife and it involved his ex-wife trying to get me to personally (and Kelly’s Bake Shoppe) pay her support. It cost me over $700,000 for my legal defense to finally put a stop to this ‘over-reaching’ of the judicial system. In the end, I suffered by having to pay legal fees and nuisance factor money and be rid of her and the meritless case that hijacked my life. My life was forever changed. My relationship with Ken was forever changed. It was a difficult place for us both to be but we somehow weathered this storm together.
There are a few close people in my life that know what transpired but for those of you that don’t, here is the brief background into this ‘legal assault’. Ken and his ex-wife split up in 1999 and they both became part of a battle that destroyed their lives and those around them. I say ‘both’ were in this crusade equally so, as I was not there during these years and it isn’t fair for me to comment on their breakdown. The separation and divorce settlement lasted far too long (as per the lawyers and court system for well over 6 years). In 2008, when I married Ken, I never dreamt their previous relationship would still be so volatile and unstable and the court would allow me (and the business – Kelly’s Bake Shoppe – I opened in 2012) to be included in this matrimonial lawsuit. I can state for the record that the Canadian judicial system is horribly flawed. It is terribly defective and at the ridiculously high cost to those that wish to defend their innocence and to openly present their truths. The court system is an inhumane playground for individuals that wish to partake in causing financial harm to others and it is openly allowed and sadly permitted. To be clear, this war that was waged on Ken (and then on me as collateral damage) lasted for 17 years. This was what was inhumane and the lawyers got mighty rich over it.
What was very clear was that the more success I achieved thorough my businesses (with Erinn), through online social media and through our best selling cookbook, the more I was attacked with legal motions and posturing to get a financial reward from me.
2018 is my year to discover me all over again. I am choosing courage and I am choosing the strength to own my life. My 2018 commitment is for me to BE COURAGEOUS. To own how I feel and to own my goals and my decisions and I need (and want) to find the bravery and the love and the strength in forgiveness, and let go of the feeling that I need to apparently control my life. This is COURAGE. This is my year to name what I want to accomplish and to allow myself to jump out of my comfort zones.
I choose to become engaged in my life and stop standing on the sidelines waiting for life to happen.
My question is, “Am I prepared to jump in and manifest all that I desire?” Am I ready to give myself permission to live under a new paradigm? Am I ready to become completely engaged with the planet and myself and step out of my comfort zone and be all that I can be?
I am the one to decide what my life will look like.
What about you? What permission do you need to give to yourself for 2018? Are you ready to be loved? Are you ready to love yourself? Are you ready to forgive yourself? Are you settling for less and living too small? Is it time to ask for more? Do you want to be creative? Is this your year to heal? Is this the year to love your health and body more? Is this the year to start that business you’ve always wanted to? Is this your year to give back to your relationship and love your wife (or your husband) from their toes to the top of their head – all over again? Is this the year to make your life uniquely your own!
What does 2018 mean to you? We want to know.
With love,

Kelly Childs |


  1. Thank you Kelly! You went through the worst thing ever! It’s awful that some ex’s have such difficulty moving on in their own lives. I pray you get to live the rest of your life free from these attachments. Their karma will always haunt them. Happy New Year!
    Amazing that you stood by Ken too and it was his family attacking you. What a lovely soul you are.

    • Kelly Childs |
      Kelly Reply

      Thank you Jasmine. It was horrible. Beyond this brief blog post and one day there will be a time I will feel ready to share more. Happy New Year! XO

  2. Janet French Reply

    What a new year you will have! COURAGE. I think I might do that too! To stand up for what I believe in and live it fully! Thank you for the reminder that I matter! See you in Palm Springs when you fly in next time …soon I hope!

    • Kelly Childs |
      Kelly Reply

      Awwww…..Thank you Janet! I look forward to seeing you next time in PSP. Sorry I missed you this time!
      Remember – We all have the same courage. You just have to DECIDE to tap into it. This is brilliant year to heal our wounds and surrender to ‘what is’.
      With warm wishes for you and your family and a VERY HAPPY New Year!

  3. Kelly Childs |
    Kelly Reply

    Thank you Sharon. I’m very excited for 2018. It is already a magical year. It’s time to stop the fear of ‘what could be’ and LIVE. LIVE like every minute matters. We don’t know the next time we take a breath in there may not be a breath out.
    I can’t wait to share everything we are up to – including A Youtube TV show! 🙂 XO
    Happy New Year!

  4. I am just beginning to know the depth of your love in my soul.
    Thank you for standing by me through the storms,
    yet it is sunshine in our eternity..
    My love.

  5. Your fragrant breath
    like the morning breeze
    has come to the stillness of the garden
    You have breathed new life into me
    I have become your sunshine
    and also your shadow.

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