It’s possible to have many mothers.
There’s the one who gave birth to you, and then there are all the women who raised you up.
Mother’s Day is the day we honour not just our moms. It is the day we honour every soul that has graced our lives and helped shape us into who we are today. We know this for sure, that it takes a nurturing village of people to make a child magnificent.
Last week, we said that we feel that our world gets caught up in the societal pressure of the marketing of Mother’s Day. We end up overlooking the real, change-making warriors and front line people that dedicate their lives to help us rear our children and create a lasting, positive impact.
Since then, we have received an outpouring of love and thank you’s from teachers, aunties, step-moms, and more – women that consciously (and sometimes out of their control), said no to motherhood, but decided to take on the responsibility to help raise other people’s children and positively affect their lives. We are so touched!
I myself had more than my mom to warm my heart and teach me love and compassion and empathy as a child. My nursery school teacher, Auntie Isabelle was remarkable and unforgettable. She affected me deeply with her open love and connection to me…right until the day she passed. Our next door neighbours on both sides of our home surrounded my sister and me in love. Trust me it was pure magic – our Auntie Eileen and Auntie Eve.
Then we had our Auntie Barb, Auntie Margaret, Auntie June….
My life was full of “Aunties” that made me feel loved and wonderful and were not necessarily made of our same blood.
We hope you can take today to reach out and thank the ones that made your life epic or maybe touched your child’s life in a special way. Maybe your influential person has already passed from this lifetime and you then may have the opportunity to sit with gratitude for all you are and all you have become because of them and share this love with all the women that cross your path.
Embrace the mothering love,
Kelly + Erinn
P.S. TODAY- Sunday, March 12 10am – listen to 900amCHML as Kelly + Erinn discuss Mother’s Day and more on “Cupcakes and Consciousness”. (Click the link to go to the show!)