Finding Your Power.
For the past few months I’ve been doing a ton of heavy introspection and evaluating of my life so deeply. Soul-searching my journey, my relationships….The past couple of weeks it has peaked and I’ve stepped out of me and back into myself and become the awareness to all around me. I’ve seen the cycle. I’ve been on the loop that keeps me in this state of unhappiness – the triggers within ‘my stories’ are real.
It hasn’t been easy. I’ve seen the suffering at the hands of me. My self-doubt and lack of love for who I am has influenced much in my life. I’m an over-achiever and to admit this out loud has been deafening for me. Shaking me to my fragile core and exposed this scared 4 year old little girl. I however just made a decision to say enough.
I’ve recognized and am aware of what energy I have allowed in my life. I have witnessed the cycle, the hurt, the shrinking of my soul with my limiting beliefs. The shrunk of my core when I give all of to someone else’s energy.
No one gets to tell me or influence me as to who I can be. I have to get over this crap! Other people’s energy and opinions are simply that: “Other people’s”. We can’t keep living our lives for the crippling words and dark emotions of others. Nor can we continue to blame.
Blaming allows us to stay victims and then we lack accountability for our life…again.
The past is done! Move on! Forgive yourself! It’s making you feel awful! Nobody is passionate or inspired and excited for every day while they are hijacked and frozen in a state of ‘not being enough’.
No more sadness. No more struggle. I’m reclaiming my mind, body, soul and passion. I’m stepping into my power. Heck! I’m already IN my power!
Stop sitting on your wings dear ones. They’re yours to fly with however high you can imagine! There is no limit to what you can do.
When your heart is filled with gratitude….with love and joy, that’s when the magic happens and you start to attract everything you desire.
Watch my full 7 minute video to hear more.