
Flourless Cookie Kelly’s Bake Shoppe


Introducing our new “Skinny Cookie”! This is the cookie that will help you maintain all those healthy resolutions or ‘plans of action’ you made to yourself to keep for 2013. We’re here to help you keep those promises you made to yourself at Kelly’s Bake Shoppe. It’s hard starting the new year and at times, I know, overwhelming to make and implement change but I’m certain that at least one of these following resolutions were on your list of things to change this year….maybe living better overall, EATING better, doing one random act of kindness daily, getting healthier in some way, taking up yoga, learn how to meditate, working out more, lose weight (always on most people’s lists), cure a health ‘condition’, be more loving or maybe even being consciously grateful daily for what you have. To take it one step further, I even have people who have begged me to help them, in…

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