LOVE Is All There Is

It’s all about love. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. The path that humanity is on right now is to bear witness to the emerging love consciousness that is within all of us. May we all find space within our hearts today, to treasure and revere all that is within our brothers and sisters. We all have goodness. We all have greatness. We all have a deep need to be loved and connected to our tribes. 

From the moment we opened our doors back in 2012, we knew we were not opening Kelly’s Bake Shoppe to just sell cupcakes. No. We opened our doors to be beholden to a greater force than our planet was willing to acknowledge. A deep truth that we all are one. A truth that our greatest joy comes from loving others and connecting on a level of love and we have never waivered from our path. 

We are all souls having a human experience and COMPASSION is required. 

With hearts wide open, may you find love and connection today. Don’t hold back. It’s time to BE LOVE for all mankind to rise up and follow your lead. 

We love you (Happy Valentine’s Day),

Kelly and Erinn


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Kelly is the co-founder and co-owner (with her daughter Erinn) of the ever popular, Kelly's Bake Shoppe, where 1000's flock to on a weekly basis. She lives in Grey County with her two cats Daisy & Tuna. You can find Kelly developing and creating marketing content and building new business ideas with her daughter Erinn. They have the ever popular podcast: Cupcakes and Consciousness on Apple and Spotify. Tune into their latest shows. Kelly & Erinn are now writing their 2nd cookbook that is due to come out in winter 2023.

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