This is the one that Kelly inspires us to STEP up into our AWARENESS of our emotions in the present moment.
How do we move from our past and move into our future?
Awareness into our inner relationship with ourselves. – What is being mirrored to us from our relationships around us? – What do we need to let go of?
We have no idea as it how it will all play out and our only path is to surrender into the unknown of what the future may bring. (Scary right?!)
Kelly: “Awareness of the hamster wheel that keeps me locked into my sh*t! We have been conditioned to continually react to our triggers. We are in EARTH SCHOOL! All of the stuff in your life is being attracted to you because you are radiating it outward. Our negativity breeds negativity. AND…our positivity breeds positivity and joy.” Our lives are quickening faster than we ever experienced on this planet before. “Watch this, play that, go hustle, push harder to get this!” All distractions…and it keeps us further from our joy or true heart-centred joy.
As promised (in the video): Alan Watts….born 1914 died 1973 He was a philosopher. He had wisdom. I love him. Finding the space in just BEING. Be with that stillness. We have stopped acquiring wisdom in our face-paced world. Anxiety. Depression. Suicide rates are so very high.
Check out this video with Alan Watts.
Another video with Alan Watts too.
Dr Joe Dispenza – love him too! Check out his Video:
Another Video by Dr. Joe.
What I know for sure is we have separated from our soul, our joy, our centre of love and the way back includes being the “awareness” that there is something more than what we are all doing right now.
Watch this video to consider ways to MANIFEST it all for 2020. BE COMMITTED to co-create a new life for 2020.
You can find me at: Kelly’s Bake Shoppe 💗