Pay attention to the fear and doubt that run rampant in your body and mind – but don’t let them RUN your life. Having fear and doubt race through your mind with emotions can be honestly, stressful and debilitating – but sit with this: IT IS NATURAL. In fact, it is a GOOD THING! It means you are on the brink of expanding beyond your current capacity. It is in the AWARENESS of it that we can make a change. Fear and doubt are left over remnants from our primitive brain. Our old thinking. Our old traumas. Our old multi-generational leftover DNA that we dragged along with us to our present “today”. It is true! Our ancestors affect us whether we like it or not. Our old brains want us to stay small. Keep safe….Don’t venture into the “unknown”….“Who knows what could happen to you?!”. Holy smokes! It has power!…
I A M E N O U G H. When we realize that our story and perception of our ‘self’ comes directly from the (wounded) needs of others, a whole new perspective of our life emerges. (re-read this) We have placed all of our self-worth and value… Of how we feel about ourselves directly into the hands of others needs and more often than not, brokenness. What I mean from this is, imagine it is World War II and you are a book. You are a beautiful book. You are a beautiful book just waiting to be read and devoured by someone. But it’s the war and in the other room is a bottle of whiskey. It’s tough turbulent, painful times in war and the bottle of whiskey is needed by these wounded souls. The whiskey is being devoured and you are being ignored. It makes you feel less. It’s…
Finding Your Power. For the past few months I’ve been doing a ton of heavy introspection and evaluating of my life so deeply. Soul-searching my journey, my relationships….The past couple of weeks it has peaked and I’ve stepped out of me and back into myself and become the awareness to all around me. I’ve seen the cycle. I’ve been on the loop that keeps me in this state of unhappiness – the triggers within ‘my stories’ are real. It hasn’t been easy. I’ve seen the suffering at the hands of me. My self-doubt and lack of love for who I am has influenced much in my life. I’m an over-achiever and to admit this out loud has been deafening for me. Shaking me to my fragile core and exposed this scared 4 year old little girl. I however just made a decision to say enough. I’ve recognized and am aware of what…