How to Find YOUR Happiness
What I learned is that I already had all I needed for happiness, but it was buried beneath my insecurities, my discontent with my life, my loathing of my body and myself. I already had it, but it was all covered up.
What I’ve discovered is it’s all fantasy…..and we all do it: we fantasize all the time about the ideal partner, the ideal father or mother, the ideal child, the ideal job, home, car, computer, clothes, travel, furniture, TV and of course, body. If we have these ideal things, this perfect fantasy, we’ll be happy right?
Well no. Because first, the fantasy can’t ever come true. We can believe all we want that we’re making it come true, but the reality will never match up with the fantasy. That can lead to perpetual disappointment.
You can strive for happiness in external things all you like: house, car, job, a loving partner, food, alcohol, drugs, shopping. These don’t make you happy, at least not for long, and when they don’t give you continual happiness then you have to keep striving for more, and your happiness is always subject to the whim of these external things and people.
Happiness is the uncovering of what you already have….
You have all you need for happiness and joy, right now. You don’t need to change anything about yourself,or your life. You just need ot see what’s already there. So what does make you happy? What do you need for happiness?
When I set out to become happy, I decided I wanted to change my life. I had an ideal life that I wanted to create, and I thought if I created that life, I would be happy. You can also find passion within. You can learn that you have some amazing things inside you that are beautiful if you learn to accept them for what they are – and not try to meet up with any fantasy. You can learn that life is always amazing, as it is, without the fantasies. And because the happiness is within, you aren’t losing it because people aren’t in the right mood, or because of external events changing your source of happiness.
This means stripping away the fantasies, one by one. It means looking within, and learning to be okay with what you may find. We need to give ourselves permission to love who we are.
It’s not an overnight process, but the amazingness is already within you. No fantasies needed.
Are you living your life yet?
This is *exactly* what I needed to hear right now. I'm in a place in my life where I have achieved a huge goal of something somewhat unattainable and I thought when it happened I would just be sublimely happy. But I'm not, life gets in the way I guess. Anyway, I've spent the last couple of months rather depressed and decided today is the day to get back to loving life and loving myself.
Thanks for the motivation!
Hi Kim!!
Thanks for the great comment.
I'm so glad I could help. It's amazing the shift that happens when we look within for happiness and stop the pressure of attaining goals and material things. The sooner we love oursleves for exactly what and who we are, the sooner happiness emerges….
Be well Kim!
Find that life you LOVE!
Wow, you are an amazing woman of inspiration. This is like a breath of fresh air. True wisdom! Thank you for being you, Kelly! *Thank you* for empowering others! … this is exactly what the world needs. To fully embracing what is and allow a natural flow of grace. You provide profound spiritual wisdom AND you make great brownies to boot! 😀 ♥♥
Wow, I couldn’t have said it better Hannah! You are truly a guiding light, and it’s so incredible to be able to turn to you if things in this world seem a little grey because you can always add that beautiful splash of colour that’s missing! Love this post, keep them coming!